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tv   [untitled]    March 19, 2013 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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and to say that the human rights commissioner has repeatedly regretted that the u.s. government has not closed get mail and has she's also expressed concern over the obstacles the national defense authorization act has created for losing the island prison and for trying prisoners that are there even the united nations has not been able to have enough access at guantanamo to see what is taking place with this hunger strike that prisoners at guantanamo bay one on hunger strike hunger strike on february sixth in protest of the alleged confiscation of their personal items and. sacrilegious handling of their qur'an at that time the u.s. military was saying that only a handful of prisoners were on hunger strike then by friday we received a statement from navy captain robert duran who is the spokesman for the detention center and he said at that point fourteen prisoners were on hunger strike as of today the u.s.
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military is now saying twenty one detainees at guantanamo bay are on hunger strike but durandal maintains that claims of a mouse hunger strike have been blown out of proportion that it's not an estimated one thirty as the attorneys for the detainees say it is but we do know that medical experts have told us and so have attorneys that once this hunger strike enters its forty fifty day hunger strike participants risk losing their eyesight and losing their hearing there's been reports according to attorneys of hunger strike participants losing up to thirty pounds if not more coughing up blood losing consciousness being hospitalized according to the u.s. military the spokesperson for guantanamo bay as of last week there were five inmates that were being force fed force fed but the problem is we as journalists do not have direct access to more autonomy obey the information we get of what is taking place there with the in with the inmates is censored by the military's. so
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right now we are basing our information on what the attorneys are telling us of the detainees and this hunger strike but it can get to the point of those detainees being forced that. report of a job you know from iraq to quantum with much explanation thanks for bearing with us what the breaking news to. bring it today with the last couple of minutes we are now hearing the news was fifty the cypriot parliament rejected that savers tax to payroll banks demanded by the european union as a precondition of a future bailout of these tests or a seller as got more for us on what's happening in the mediterranean island tonight bring us up to speed what you know the. they were right in front of the cypriot parliament to the parliamentarians just stepping out here and as far as we know they had rejected the one time bank deposit tax that was imposed by the e.u. finance ministers of the i.m.f. over the weekend now according to the a parliamentarian i spoke with there were thirty six nos nineteen abstained abstentions and zero yes s.
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and therefore you can see that to really the opposition in the country to what is being required of them to get the ten billion euro bailout is very very strong emotions running high here on the street behind me you can see to my left and to my right there are people with banners and chanting emotions running high this is their show them showing their opposition to this a one time back to pass a tax on again the people are saying that the euro zone is using them as a guinea pig is and they're experimenting on the country essentially because a red line has been passed by the fact that a suggestion has been made that it is possible to dip into the savings of citizens in order to bail out their banks almost far cyprus is concerned their banks are still in trouble so the parliamentarians have told me that after this vote tonight they will have to sit down with the president of the republic and give their suggestions on how to move forward and i did speak with some of them earlier asking for their suggestions and they say that they're looking at ways to come up with a solution for cyprus that does not involve the troika there's
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a lot of anger really against the troika against the euro zone countries and germany in particular and what they see as their country having been cornered into a position where they had no choice but to accept but clearly being rejected what was imposed to them by brussels briefly very briefly touched people power appears to want a very dismaying of cyprus is going to go bust over night. well that has been no what has been the argument put forward that if this does not get through to parliament that it is going to be bust but as far as of the list concerned it is dead and therefore the ten billion euro bailout we've been talking about it is actually not there anymore because a precondition was this has to be this has to be passed so technically the banks will be very very much in trouble and two of the state's largest banks may have to be to be going bankrupt again be have to talk about proposals on how to move this forward if they do agree on a proposal tonight perhaps there is a solution that they can come forward with but as far as this deal is concerned everybody here tells me the parliamentarians are saying it is dead pressure center
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of his correspondent tonight in excess thank you. five business no twenty two thirty five it is moscow time well a busy one i know you going to talk about what's happening in cyprus a real sense of what melting icecaps in the arctic opening up business opportunities for joe you know you don't wish to stitch to exactly it means that china can get to the u.s. and europe for easier so i think up a loss of business opportunity as a sad as it sounds and as you say cyprus as well i'll give you the market reaction to what's going on now all of that coming up in the businesspersons pulls off of the right. there was a time in america when buses were officially segregated and today if they tried to resegregate the wall next to it there would be outrage throughout the usa every t.v. channel and newspaper so segregation in america was wrong but no america funding
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segregation no for via foreign aid seems to be a ok and jim dandy arab language leaflets have been spread around west bank in palestinian areas asking residents to start using special bus lines place to put palestinians on separate bus lines were first announced in november of two thousand and twelve after some complaints by jewish settlers of trouble on the buses between passengers of different ethnicities in regards to the special bus lines israeli human rights group but selim said the attempt at bus segregation is appalling and the current arguments about security needs an overcrowding must not be allowed to kemel flushed blatant racism you know when south africa had apartheid they were slammed with sanctions including from the us but if you're israel go ahead and segregate all the buses you like and you'll still be the us is top recipient of foreign aid at three point one billion dollars a year if there's one thing i don't like it's hypocrisy like this but that's just
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my opinion.
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thank god. my. business climate katie povere global warming is not a topic associated with opportunity but does far as china is concerned the globe's melting ice caps represent just not this year a chinese shipping if i will capitalize on the melting caps by planning the country's first commercial trip through a short cut across the arctic asian to the united states and europe despite the ice dangers on the route chinese all gas some one in company is a been drawn to the region to save calls in the long term it's our social net sky explains the situation and how russia could also benefit. a chinese
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shipping company this summer will start the country's first commercial voyage through the northern fee route thanks to global warming be increasing amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere spews up ice melting in the arctic and that means that a couple of decades from now commercial ships will be able to navigate through the arctic ocean in mass in fact they'll go straight over the north pole. for china the world's second largest economy and one of the biggest exporters it also means great savings both in terms of time and money going from shanghai to northern europe via the northern sea route along the russian coastline marked here in red shaves about six and a half thousand kilometers and about choo weeks off a trip that translates into savings of about four hundred thousand dollars in fuel costs and other expenses and that's for a single average journey it opens up
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a great prospects for russia and its trade relations with china a couple of years ago just chew ships pass through the north pole last year the number of those brave enough to try grew to almost fifty by the year two thousand and twenty china says up to fifteen percent of its ships will use that route and experts say the northern route is all a sea of opportunity for cargo carriers sure skeptics argue that search and rescue is extremely difficult in the arctic getting ice choke there would mean not only losing the cargo but potentially risking people's lives and all be open only on a seasonal basis since the local weather could throw in some surprises but since we know that money makes the world go round the economics of shipping will help iron out all the logistical and political wrinkles not to mention the mind blowing potential it opens up of extracting natural resources in the arctic and
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staying with china moscow beijing have been negotiating gas supplies for decades price remains the main stumbling dog of the countries have announced they will reach an agreement as soon as this year who home once the paki from the energy agency says asia will become russia's not true energy market he explains why. people in the east welcome in age people in the west are comfortable with energy why we can see a main we should say we should you know all this question is are. essentially race by the people in the east however the people want to prove their lives they want to they know they need to consume or anything of that lives they welcome it so russia's natural market while has been europe because the media and they are is
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switching over time monies to switch to to the east russia has offered china called gratian in the arctic development how do you see china participating i percent in the sly. shale oil in the us all deemed vestments that was done by the top investors which included many chinese companies so the chinese complain is. doing the is essentially out of economics they have money where do they invest it do they invest in russia in the us in the middle east in that it's just a question of what offers the best return so in essence for such a know if somebody from the government here and maybe in russia you need to call for the a creature of law you have the resources you have and try to find a way that it makes sense financially. in the markets and starting with wall street
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trading right now and it's a choppy session we got us so it's continuing to swing between gains and losses really investors weighing in the growth in new home construction again it's concerns that europe's debt crisis may intensify also happening stateside get the federal open market committee of the f o m c they're beginning their two day meeting today is investors keeping a close eye on the outcome of that one in terms of yearly performance so we know wall street is still loitering around that five year high and that's very much because of those three rounds of bond purchases by the feds it's a big week for the u.s. as for europe then what about cyprus we know that lawmakers they met today to discuss the terms of the controversial euro zone that bailout pohlad we know we just heard from the test of just now of a bathroom so far be rejected that's what we're hearing that's the reports on the ground where it is concerns that it's going to be setting a president by breaking the taboo against rating bank accounts although the
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situation is being described as entirely unique by the ministers at the moment as it stands trading has been suspended on the cyprus stock exchange a route. again on thursday so this is what we're looking at just now this is how europe finished up the day largely in the red for russian markets falling on for most deep declines that we had on the monday session is international pressure taking its toll from the lies of cyprus as you can see there around a percent for the r.t.s. and the mice it was just then it was one of the financials here the second biggest one down one point seven percent of all the cars has to check out as well as see what happened there with what the ruble managed to lose out against the u.s. dollar but as you can see against the euro again did just the same as it was lower against a basket of currencies in that ship now i'm going to be back with more business in less than two hours times to join me then but more news after the break with kevin of course they are.
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we speak your language. news programs and documentaries in spanish what matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angles hidden stories. you hear. that choice altie spanish find out more visit eye to eye on t.v. dot com. a clear image of iraq after invasion. twenty day taxi trip through the country. the roads full of danger. clear evidence from north to south. the route of iraqi tragedy. after the war waiting for peace. talks e l r t.
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he. subsists. the american english for some english stages a military operation. to free speech. lead has allowed us to get a. plane to bring a leg. length
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. leg length. lengths. the subs slept.
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again it took six weeks of drawn out to go see asians but israel's new coalition government is now being formed and sworn in promised a better way netanyahu now in his third term in office has turned to both a center party and a far right political grouping to take the reins but as paula slayer explains the all compromise could certainly the cracks in the new government he might have perfected the role of israel's great communicator but as prime minister benjamin netanyahu enters his third term of office like his audience his powers of persuasion are shrinking let him go. you need to watch the body language of how this coalition was forged it changed from aggressive to disappointed and after the disappointment the anger will come we'll see that in the open what's already being seen in the open is that netanyahu is new partners are not the ones he wanted form a media personality out yet appeared and representative of these rady set
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a movement enough to be bennett their everything he's not young contemporary and popular. he's panicked netanyahu realizes they are the next generation is like a national geographic film where the young lions push the old line aside they get the females and the future's theirs. but bibi as he's called is nothing if not supremely confident over the past dozen years he's earned a doctorate in defeat and how it may be avoided he's a pro at welding together the broken parts so they can hold on for a little bit longer. driven by the fact that he has some kind of paranoid when you're paranoid. makes you minimize the volume of mistakes that you might do and i think that he when he always thinks that there's a product that someone is. about to pull
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a trick on him he's very were prepared as he is to sit around a table with partners who might eventually signal his downfall will. come netanyahu ran a confused campaign and a confused to go see a should although he is very smart very experienced it didn't show the goals were constantly changing there was no planning so he needs to sit now and get his house in order. it wasn't that long ago that time magazine crowned him king bibi influential magazine ran with the headline that he's calm could israel but nine months later it's not so clear whether israel hasn't finally conquered netanyahu in the final at the great communicator might not be able to communicate so great after all policy r.t. television. an investigation into the death of russian war so good magnitsky has been dropped but his kid died in custody in two thousand and nine investigators found no evidence that
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a crime was committed and his ridiculous has been following this story. there have been no trespassing in in terms of the confinement or criminal confinement or criminal investigation against us again magnitsky that he was essentially jailed the lawfully he was not beaten while in confinement and therefore they've also established that he has actually died from natural causes that is from heart failure and several other complications all of which from several really severe diseases that he was suffering from and thus they have essentially ruled out any foul play which was the main point of contention between you can say the russian authorities and the family friends and several settler rides groups all of whom were saying that he was in fact beaten while he was in jail and that that was the main reason why he died in november of two thousand and nine in fact they have managed to raise enough controversy surrounding the case even for some of the
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foreign officials to interfere or to rather voice their opinion on the matter for example the u.s. congress has come out with this so-called magnitsky act which is essentially a less a list of russian officials all of whom according to the united states have been somehow involved in the case of whiskey and therefore they're now banned from entering the united states as well as all of their u.s. assets have been frozen so the russian case which has managed to breach the ocean wide gap and now has caused quite a lot of controversy both in russia and abroad. just to bring it up to date with the breaking news this hour again we're hearing in the last half an hour or so that cyprus is parliament has rejected that controversial levy on bank deposits that was proposed as part of the i.m.f. ten billion euro bailout package no m.p.'s voted for the bill thirty six voted against nineteen abstained the finance ministry had proposed to modify that package at one stage proposing exemption for savers with smaller deposits but opposition
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remained fierce these are the latest pictures from outside parliament there in nicosia the crowds obviously diminish know from what we saw earlier on a finance ministers of war that cyprus is to biggest banks could collapse now if the deal doesn't go through in some form or another line as well that we need to. check out but the u.k. ministry defense has said that a plane carrying a million euros is heading to cyprus as a contingency measure to provide military personnel there and the families of the merchants who loads there are some three thousand three thousand five hundred military personnel there of course they're caught up in it as well the british government said they will help them but no word of course about the experts that are living there a british amongst them the british government had nothing to say about that but the headline news in the last. piece have rejected the e.u. i.m.f. bailout tax on bank depositors i'm kevin i would thank you for being with our tail but with today's top stories and more in less than ten minutes this is our team ask .
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and. and and and and. and. i. hate when their own country can't offer them a living evil loving mothers sometimes have to leave their children behind. i don't like to want just a bed longer. is the dream of millions of migrants that their children might choose their own motherland. i was long. in most schools. in america and i want my children to win over moscow.
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russia has become their stepmother land teammate's migrants working hard to find a way home. olympos. live. live. the speed. her. live. leisurely limitlessly good luck. lists. and i'm.
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fine i'm a little. live. live . live. live live. live . they've been living this way since the seventeenth century. their rituals are strict. their communities on the
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solidity. they clearly distinguish between their own and the alien. and guard their family and faith in the treasure. a high wealthy british style. markets why not this scandal find out what's really happening to the global economy with monks concert for a no holds barred look global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on r g.
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